Klaus' Log

Fr 23 Oktober 2020

How to update the Fritz!Box 7430 of M-Net to the latest version

Posted by Klaus Eisentraut in howto   

I have written before that I'm a DSL customer of the German ISP M-Net with a FritzBox 7430 as router. The router is managed by M-Net and they removed the possibility to update it by myself in the user interface. However, M-Net was lagging behind and used the outdated version 7.12 (August 2019) in October 2020.

I found a simple workaround which gives you the possibility to update your FritzBox without asking the hotline. I have used this workaround to upgrade to the latest version 7.21 which has the new cool security features WPA3 and DNS-over-TLS. Here is how I did it:

  • Download the latest firmware image from the vendor AVM.
  • Export the current configuration of your Fritz!Box.
  • Unplug the WAN cable (DSL connection).
  • Reset the Fritz!Box to the factory settings and reboot it.
  • Log into the web interface and ignore all warnings about the missing DSL connection. Now, you are able to access the "System Update" functionality.
  • Flash the update and reboot again.
  • Reconnect the WAN cable.
  • M-Net will redeploy your configuration (and remove your functionality).

I do not know if this is intended, so use at your own risk.